Things to Consider When Buying an Automobile


Whether you are looking to buy a new car or you have been driving for years, there are several things to consider when choosing an automobile. Those things include safety standards, cost of ownership, and insurance coverage.

Car crashworthiness

Several factors affect car crashworthiness. These include the structure of the vehicle, the restraint systems, and the airbags. Car crashworthiness is important because the car can protect occupants from severe injury and death in a motor vehicle accident.

The crashworthiness of a vehicle is evaluated by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). The Institute conducts tests to determine if a car meets crashworthy standards. They test the seatbelts, airbags, and roof strength.

Airbags and seat belts are the primary protective equipment in a car. Defective airbags and seat belts can cause head injuries and broken bones.

Internal combustion engine

Invented in 1876 by Niklaus Otto, the internal combustion engine changed the world. Its most notable feat was its ability to turn a crankshaft which sported precisely-machined parts.

The first gasoline-powered cars were built in 1888. Two years later, Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler improved on Otto’s design, resulting in the first automobile with a four-wheel drive. During the next century, 1.2 billion vehicles were produced, most of them powered by gasoline.

However, there are many other control devices that aim to improve engine performance. Some attempt to improve gas mileage, while others aim to reduce pollution.

Safety standards

Throughout the history of automobiles, there have been advancements in safety standards. During the 1960s, debates raged over the crashworthiness of automobiles.

In 1958, the Beamer Amendment was passed into law. It was based on a report to Congress on the federal role in highway safety. The act provided that the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) would develop safety standards for automobiles.

However, a major concern was consumer resistance to safety features. Auto magnates believed that safety features would be seen as an additional expense and would result in reduced sales.

Insurance coverage

Having insurance coverage for automobiles is a must for all motorists. It protects you against lawsuits and other financial losses if you are involved in a car accident. It can be purchased in various forms, including liability, collision, and comprehensive insurance.

Liability insurance pays for costs resulting from injuries or deaths caused by you, your passengers, or a pedestrian. It is also required by many states. Having a good driving record can make you less likely to be involved in an accident.

Cost of ownership

Purchasing a car can be a big expense. The total cost of ownership includes the purchase price, depreciation, insurance and fuel. However, these costs vary greatly from state to state. The cost of owning a car can be as low as $3,271 a year or as high as $96,666 a year.

The average cost of owning a car in 2022 is $10,728. It includes depreciation, insurance, fuel, maintenance, and fees. It can also vary depending on the car you purchase.