News is what is happening in the world around us. It is important to stay informed of current events, but it can be difficult to sort through all the information that is out there. News can be entertaining, but it should also be factual and informative. It should not be biased or sensationalized.
What is considered newsworthy can vary widely, but there are some guidelines that most editors and journalists follow when deciding what to write about. The most important factor is timeliness – the news should be something that happened recently or will happen soon. Whether it is a story about a murder investigation or a major sporting event, it should be new.
It is not always possible for people to be present at every event that might be newsworthy, so they rely on the media to inform and entertain them about what is going on. The media consists of newspapers, radio and television. It can also include websites, blogs and social networking sites. It is often the case that these days many young people get most of their news from these sources rather than from newspapers and radio.
People are interested in stories about famous people – what they do, how they look and what their lifestyles are like. It is also newsworthy when they fall from grace, lose money or are involved in a scandal. Many people are also interested in health related issues and stories – traditional medicines, medical research, hospitals and clinics, diseases, diet and exercise. Most societies are also interested in stories about sex, even though they may not discuss it openly.
A good news article will be concise, clear and picturesque. It will be written in active voice and avoid excessive adjectives – for example, using words such as brilliant, excellent and wonderful. It should also not contain the writer’s opinion. It is better to let the reader draw their own conclusions, by giving them the facts and letting them decide for themselves.
Writing a news story can be difficult, but following some simple rules will help to make it as clear and interesting as possible. The first step is to write an exciting lead, which is a short paragraph that sums up the main points of the story. Then the article can be developed, including quotes from experts and people involved. It is often helpful to read other news articles or watch news stations and shows to see how they write their headlines and lead sentences.
Finally, it is important to check all the facts before publishing a news story, whether it is for a newspaper, website or blog. Getting the facts wrong could have serious consequences. It is also useful to ask someone else to read the article and check for mistakes – it can be very difficult to spot your own mistakes! In addition, it is a good idea to read the article out loud to make sure that it flows well and there are no awkward sentences or phrases.