Writing Newsworthy Articles


News is the information about current events that are reported in newspapers, magazines, radio and television. It is usually based on primary sources, such as people directly involved in an event. It can also be based on secondary sources, such as documents, statistics and experts. Often, the news will be presented in an objective way and try to avoid bias. The purpose of news is to inform and educate readers about current affairs/events in a way that will capture their interest and attention.

People are interested in a wide range of topics depending on their culture, circumstances and personal experience. Some of these topics will be more important than others, but all of them will contribute to what makes a story newsworthy.

For example, a story about a bug that is eating farmers’ crops could be of particular importance to people in rural areas, or a controversial issue like the Roman Catholic Church ordaining women priests might capture the interest of those who disagree with the decision. People may also be interested in stories about famous people, their private lives and activities, their fall from power or a scandal. People are also interested in their health and may be interested in stories about traditional remedies, diseases, hospitals, doctors or clinics. They are also interested in stories about the environment, the world around them and other issues that affect their daily life.

It is not easy to define what constitutes news, but a study of published articles can help. Using a method similar to that used in scholarly research, it is possible to categorize stories according to the Galtung and Ruge model of news values. This can then be used to explore and test scholarly explanations of why some topics are deemed more newsworthy than others.

The first step in writing a news article is to research the topic extensively. This can be done by visiting websites, reading newspaper reports or contacting sources directly. It is helpful to keep the inverted pyramid model in mind as you do this. The top of the pyramid should contain your most important points. Then, as you work down the pyramid, add more detail.

Once you have a good understanding of the topic, it is time to begin drafting your article. The title should be snappy and clearly convey the main point of the story. The body of your news article should have subheadings that describe the major points you want to include in the order of their importance. Remember to consider your readership and publication as you do this.

In addition to researching your own interests, it is useful to ask others where they get their news. For example, do you have a friend who seems to know everything that is going on all the time? Ask them what news apps they use. You can also find out about a topic by reading the enewsletters that your favourite organisations produce or signing up to follow podcasts like The Skimm or Today Explained.